Phu Bia Gold Project
Sedgman provided engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) services for the construction of a 2.0 Mt/a carbon-in-pulp (CIP) / carbon-in-leach (CIL) gold plant and associated infrastructure at the Phu Bia Mine site in Laos.
Following the completion of the bankable feasibility study (BFS), detailed project design commenced in August 2004 and work began on site in October 2004. The plant was successfully completed in June 2005 under budget. Since commissioning, the plant has successfully ramped up to meet design throughput and gold production targets.
The heap leach operation entered production in November 2005. Heap leach operations continue successfully, and achieved a record gold production of 31,380oz in 2007. The excellent heap leach gold production performance can be attributed to the following:
- Successful implementation of a seasonal production strategy
- Improved operating practices
- Processing plant performances.