CPB Contractors delivered the Mackay Northern Access Upgrade in Central Queensland for the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
In conjunction with Mackay Ring Road – Stage 1, which was delivered by CPB Contractors, the Mackay Northern Access Upgrade will cater for future traffic requirements in one of the fastest growing regions in Queensland.
The upgrade supports the projected increase in traffic on the Bruce Highway at Mackay and enhances safety for road users travelling along the Bruce Highway from the northern Mackay Ring Road connection to the port and central business district.
Construction commenced in February 2020 and was completed in October 2022.
Project features included:
- Increasing the Bruce Highway from 4 to 6 lanes from Ron Camm Bridge to the Mackay-Bucasia Road turn off;
- Widening the Goosepond Creek bridges;
- Extending existing left and right-turn lanes on the approaches to the signalised intersections at Sams Road and Mackay-Bucasia Road;
- Providing an additional right-turn lane at the Mackay-Bucasia Road intersection;
- Restricting access from Phillip Street to the Bruce Highway to provide a left-turn only option for vehicles entering the Bruce Highway;
- Increasing the Bruce Highway from 2 to 4 lanes for through vehicles north from Mackay-Bucasia Road to the Davey Street overpass;
- Construction of new bridge overpasses at Davey Street;
- Upgrading the intersection at Hill End Road;
- Construction of a new bridge at Janes Creek and widening of the existing structure;
- Realignment of Janes Creek; and
- Upgrading the intersection at Blue Gum Drive.