CIMIC Group’s newly published Modern Slavery Statement and Policy support ethical resourcing and procurement practices.
These tools help us to assess and address the risk of modern slavery, protecting people in our diverse operations and international supply chain from any potential exploitation.
The statement also details the actions we have undertaken in 2020, inclusive of Human Rights Impact Assessments, compliance audits and supplier screening; and our priorities for continuous improvement in 2021.
These tools help us to assess and address the risk of modern slavery, protecting people in our diverse operations and international supply chain from any potential exploitation.
“Our modern slavery controls enhance the benefits our projects and operations deliver. Safe and fair employment and enterprise build social and economic capacity and create a better future for people and their communities.”
Juan Santamaria, CIMIC Group Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Modern Slavery Statement
Our Modern Slavery Statement describes how CIMIC Group businesses identify, mitigate and prevent the risk of modern slavery, and remedy any impacts which may occur – leveraging our integrated governance, compliance, procurement and people frameworks.The statement also details the actions we have undertaken in 2020, inclusive of Human Rights Impact Assessments, compliance audits and supplier screening; and our priorities for continuous improvement in 2021.