Innovators are inspired by challenge. Our solutions are lean, digital and look to the future.
With approximately 97% of CIMIC Group's 2021 revenue earned delivering projects aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we are part of something bigger.
The challenges that inspire us include finding better ways to embed safety and resilience, reduce emissions, waste and costs, and increase productivity and resource efficiency – generating community, economic and environmental value.
To make a difference at scale, we invest in innovation, digitisation and digital integration across our companies: CPB Contractors, Leighton Asia, Broad Construction, Thiess, Sedgman, UGL, Pacific Partnerships and EIC Activities.
It is transforming how we work and expanding the potential for our people, client partnerships, solutions and business.
Innovation and Integrated Digital Delivery
Our Innovation and Integrated Digital Delivery strategy is pivotal to achieving our sustainability goals and emission targets. It is a step-change for our business, and the construction and services industries.
Powerfully connecting our capabilities, systems and intelligent data assets accelerates innovation, informs insights and improves outcomes for clients and our operations – expanding what we achieve for a sustainable future.
Our ongoing commitment to sustainability
Governments are investing in infrastructure to drive economic growth and social benefits for our cities and regions. Achieving planned outcomes relies on our industry operating sustainably and innovating with digital technologies to deliver better solutions.
We’re developing innovative solutions and progressing Integrated Digital Delivery, to safely increase value and productivity, embed resilience, improve environmental performance, and open our doors to inclusion and diversity.
Sharing our insights and ideas for better infrastructure delivery
As an active client, industry, and community partner, we’re sharing our approach to accelerating digital innovation and developing and scaling solutions.
We’re contributing our experience, breakthroughs, and insights to open up the conversation and advance greater sustainability.